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发表时间:Jul 10, 2014

















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        [??] ??·??????????????????????????????????1990??棬??23???


        Robert Gilpin, Economy Of International Relations, Princeton University Press, 1986??p. 5??????????б?壬1???p.?????

Max Singer and Aaron Wildavsky??The Red World Order??Chatham House Publishers, pp. 5-10.?????????????pp.?????


Robert Baldwin, ed., Neorealism and Neoliberalism - The Contemporary Debate, Columbia University Press, 1993, p.106. ????????б?壩















Robert Levaold, “Soviet Learning in the 1980s,” in George W. Breslauer and Philip E. Tetlock, ed., Learning in US and Soviet Foreign Policy,  Westview Press, 1991, p.27. (?????????????????б?壬???????????б??)


Joseph S. Nye, “Nuclear Learning and US-Soviet Security Regimes,” International Organization, vol. 41, Summer 1987, p.4. (?????????б??)


??1??K. Bockstiegel, “The Effectiveness of Inter-State Arbitration in Political Turmoil”, 1 J. Int’l Arb. 1993, 43.

??2??Corey v. New York Stock Exchange, 691, F 2d 1205, 1211(6th Cir. 1982).

??3??C. Hausmaninger, “Civil Liability of Arbitrators – Comparative Analysis and Proposals of Reform”, 7 J. Int. Arb. 4, 7.


Clayton Jones, “Japanese Link Increased Acid Rain to Distant Coal Plants in China,” The Christian Science Monitor, November 6, 1992, p. 4. (?????????б?壬p.4????4????)


United Nation Register of Conventional Arms, Report of the Secretary General, UN General Assembly Document A/48/344, October 11, 1993??para.3.1.(?????????????????????????????????????[????????????]????????????????б?壬1????para.??2?μ???????paras.)


Astrid Forland, "Norway’s Nuclear Odyssey," The Nonproliferation Review, vol.4 (Winter 1997), http://cns.miis.edu/npr/forland.htm, last visited 2010-4-25. (???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)





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发布时间:Jul 10, 2014      编辑:admin     

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